A Welder's Journal

Matthew’s writings offer valuable insights gained during the various stages of business growth. Delve into his reflections on pivotal discoveries, key takeaways, and personal experiences. Whether recounting days spent on the shop floor or reflecting on the challenges of steering a business through growth, Matthew shares writings of entrepreneurship and leadership.

As a welder turned entrepreneur, I spent the first half of my career focused on success. Now I am focused on leading a life of significance. I want to be remembered as someone who gave more than they took from this world. I want to use my business as a force for good.” – Matthew Nix 

A team that plays together, stays together!

August 19, 2019  A team that plays together, stays together! …………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….. And Wins together! People ask me all the time how we are doing ‘it’. (Growing and Winning). These pictures represent a big part of it. I tell those people, the first thing you have to decide is

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Better Together

Seven, just as a number, doesn’t have any more significance than 6 or 8. If you are wondering why I chose the 7th year to write this post, I don’t have a good answer. I just felt compelled to. Maybe as I’ve aged another year, I’ve become more appreciative of the blessings in my life

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It’s not enough to be busy!

Does anyone else ever to chuckle to themselves about this little built in, ‘pleasantry’ that exists in our small business culture? Everywhere I go, I get the same question (or variation of it)…. “keepin busy?”…..”stayin busy?”. I often catch myself asking others the same question.

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There’s an education evolution on the horizon…..and it’s past due!

This was a collaborative group of educators, counselors, administrators, non-profits, and employers all coming together to help align the needs of today’s employers with educators (specifically in the manufacturing sector). I must say… I was quite pleased with the direction I heard and momentum I felt from many of the educators, administrators, and non-profit service providers.

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