A team that plays together, stays together!

August 19, 2019

A team that plays together, stays together! ………………………………….


………………………………………………….. And Wins together!

People ask me all the time how we are doing ‘it’. (Growing and Winning). These pictures represent a big part of it. I tell those people, the first thing you have to decide is what you REALLY want. Most business owners or leaders want to grow, but few are serious about it and willing to take the risks, make the sacrifices, and do the work. 

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10 years ago I decided the status quo wouldn’t work for me and began the journey from good to great. At that time we were a nice ‘mom and pop’ business that had been around for over a century. We had zero employees (outside of family ownership) with zero debt, virtually no risk, and were doing just a few hundred thousand a year in annual revenue. When I decided to go for it, the first thing I did was create a compelling vision of where we were headed and started ‘selling’ that vision to build the best damn team possible! If you are going to win the Kentucky Derby you aren’t going to do it with a donkey. When it came time to build my senior leadership team, I went out and got thoroughbreds that want to win as bad as I do. These guys made sacrifices to join our team and literately bet on NIX and themselves. 

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Every year for the past 4 years this group has come together for a few days “offsite” to do strategic planning and have a little fun. The past two years we invited our spouses along. Don’t let the flip flops fool you, we set 5 year goals so audacious most wouldn’t think of going for them in a lifetime. We accomplished them in 3 years. So we set more 5 year goals that are so insane they would seem impossible to most, (like grow the company 100X with ZERO negative impact to culture) and then we get busy accomplishing them, one obstacle at a time. We discuss challenges and ideas, we bang our fist on the table and raise our voices in passionate debate, and because of it we get better outcomes. When its all over, we drink a beer together. This team is the reason we are winning. They bet on us and they are leading the charge every day to see it through. Every day, I wonder why God blessed me with this team and these opportunities. It only seems right to make the most out of it! One audacious and ‘impossible’ goal at a time!

#forgingahead #nixcompanies #strategicplanning #BHAGs #workthatmatters #100X