How Our Small Business Received Over 2,300 Job Applications in a Year

June 6, 2024

As the CEO of Nix Companies, I rarely have a conversation without someone asking me, “How’s your hiring going? Are you able to find people?” My response is always the same: “It’s the hardest thing we do.”

Attracting top-tier talent in our industry is no easy task, but hiring exceptional people is one of our highest properties. Our team is the backbone of what we do, after all. It’s the reason why we take such pride in our recruitment strategies, and after years of continuous improvement in the process, all of that hard work has paid off.

Last year, we received over 2,300 job applications—an average of 6.5 per day and over 50 applications per open position! For a company with just over 150 team members, these numbers are a testament to our unique approach to hiring and our focus on culture fit.

So, how have we managed to attract such high numbers? Let’s talk about some of the strategies we use at Nix Industrial.

Strategy #1: Be Authentic

In my opinion, nothing else matters if you don’t do this. Our team often hears from me, “Be authentic and bang the drum!”

In today’s job market, candidates are looking for more than just a paycheck; they seek a workplace where they feel valued and where they can contribute to something meaningful. That’s why we make it a priority to communicate openly and honestly about what it’s like to work at NIX. From our challenges to our triumphs, we share it all. This transparency builds trust and fosters a connection from the very first interaction.

By prioritizing authenticity, we’ve not only increased the quantity of our applications but, more importantly, improved the quality. Candidates who apply are often already aligned with our core values and are enthusiastic about our mission. They don’t just want a job; they want to be a part of NIX.

Strategy #2: Recruitment is everybody’s job

Yes, today, we are fortunate to have folks who are dedicated to this, but in the early days that wasn’t the case. Even as we have grown, we have maintained that “all hands on deck” approach to recruiting. I focus a considerable amount of my time and energy on attracting top talent. This is even a portion of my wife Lindsey Nix‘s job description today, as our Director of Training and Public Relations. All of our managers are expected to help attract talent. Our marketing team might think about talent more than they think about customers.  It’s not enough to just field job applicants. We must be proactive, and we must remember, just like sales, recruitment is everyone’s job.

Strategy #3: Invest in Video

In a sea of job listings and recruitment ads, we’ve found a way to stand out—video. Investing in high-quality video content has allowed us to transport potential candidates straight into the heart of our operations. They’re not merely scrolling through paragraphs on a job site; they’re getting an immersive look at the day-to-day experiences of our team members, and the camaraderie that fills our workspace, like in our Life of a Craftsman series.

It’s one thing to list ‘company culture’ as a selling point, but it’s another thing entirely to display it in a real way. Through our videos, we shine a light on the individual stories of our employees—their journeys, their growth, and their pride in their work. This personal touch draws people in, it makes them want to be a part of something special. It tells them, “This is who we are, this is what we do, and you could be a part of it.”

The impact of this visual storytelling has been significant. Not only has it increased the number of applications we receive, it’s also ensured that those applying are more aligned with our values. They apply because they’ve seen what life at Nix is like and they want in on the action.

Strategy #4: An Internship Program Beginning in High School

Another recruitment strategy we use is our internship program. At Nix Industrial, we view internships as much more than a brief stint or a simple line on a resume. Our interns dive into the heart of our industry, getting true hands-on experience from the get-go. We believe in giving students a real stake in our projects, which means real responsibilities that challenge and develop their abilities.

By the time they complete their internship with us, these students have a pretty good understanding of what it takes to succeed in our field. They’ve gained skills that are immediately applicable, connections that are invaluable, and a sense of accomplishment that is genuinely earned. For many, what starts as a summer job or part-time position evolves into a thriving career at NIX, and that’s something we’re really proud of. Even if they move on, there’s a strong chance they will refer others to us, or end up as a customer down the road.

Strategy #5: Supporting Family, and Well-Being

These days, what employees want from their jobs has changed a lot. It’s not just about earning a salary. People are looking for more–a career that helps them enjoy life both inside and outside of work. We get that. We know that a solid work-life integration (we like this word better than “balance”)isn’t just a nice extra; it’s a must-have.

By focusing on the needs of our employees, we’ve built a company culture that supports them. From our flexible scheduling options to our understanding of the occasional need for personal time, we stand by our commitment to fostering balance. Several from our team recently attended “Donuts with Dad” at the local school on a Monday morning. It brings me a lot of joy to know that our team was able to be with their kids. We realize that when our employees thrive in their personal lives, they bring that energy and enthusiasm back to work with them, creating a win-win for everyone involved.

So, how does this impact our recruitment? Many of the applications we receive at Nix are from people referred by a family member or friend. Creating a supportive company culture can benefit us all in so many ways.

Strategy #6: Supporting the Community & Building Local Partnerships

Community isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the ground we build on. We’re deeply invested in the places where we live and work, and our partnerships with local schools and community organizations are a big part of that. Whether is volunteering, donating, or serving on non-profit boards, we are always looking for ways to contribute. This is another primary aspect of my wife’s role, but we encourage all of our team to “get out there” and represent our brand. These connections not only help the area thrive, but they allow us to meet future team members who already share our commitment to hard work and strong values.

Working with schools, for instance, gives us the chance to get involved early on in someone’s career journey. The Welding Competition with Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center was a big undertaking that has formed a real connection with teachers, students, and families. We’re not just passively waiting for job applications; we’re actively shaping the workforce of tomorrow. This approach has opened up a path for us to spot and bring in new talent—people who’ve already felt the impact of our presence in the community and want to be a part of what we’re creating.

It’s a win for our company, sure, but it’s also a win for the community, as they see their own stepping into roles that contribute meaningfully to the place they call home. There’s nothing I love hearing more than “The word on the street is NIX is a great place to work”.

Strategy #7: Tuition Reimbursement

We believe one of the best ways we can set our team and our company up for future success is by investing in education. That’s why we offer a tuition reimbursement program. We see this program as an investment in our employees that leads to growth, not just for them as individuals, but for our entire company.

As far as recruitment goes, our tuition reimbursement program has helped us retain our most talented interns, even as they head off to college. We help cover the costs of their education, and in turn, they come back to work with us during their summer and school breaks. Many of them return home after college to work with us full-time.

When we support our team members’ ambitions through education, we’re not just funding a course or two — we’re cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement that benefits everyone. And the bonus? Our team knows we’re in it for the long haul with them, which means they tend to stick around, bringing stability and expertise to our workforce. It’s a strategy that looks forward and pays off, for everyone involved.

Strategy #8: Social Media

In today’s digital age, you’ve got to meet people where they are – and yes, that includes the online world. We’re not just throwing our message into the wind and hoping it lands somewhere good. We’re strategically placing our content on the platforms where we know potential hires like to hang out.

And, what we share is just as important as where we share it. Our social media isn’t just a bulletin board for job postings—it’s a window into the life of our company. We tell the real stories of our team, the work we do, and the community we build.

We’re Thankful for our Team

Our recruitment results aren’t just numbers on a page; they’re a living, breathing testament to the power of our culture here at NIX. The strategies we’ve put in place for attracting and retaining talent are working, and the proof is in the pudding—or in our case, in the bustling and thriving environment of our shops and offices. It’s a company where tradition meets innovation, and where your career is set to flourish for years down the line.

We’re proud to say that at NIX, we’re not just hiring employees; we’re welcoming new members to our professional family. We’re building futures together, supporting each other’s aspirations, and celebrating collective achievements. That’s more than just a recruitment strategy—it’s a philosophy that has stood the test of time and continues to attract dedicated folks who want to make their mark in an industry that never stands still.